Lawyers' Society

FIR registered by clever drafting – Whether Quash is possible?

Once the Hon’ble Supreme Court settled that a High Court exercising it’s inherent jurisdiction cannot quash a First Information Report if the ingredients of an offence are made out from the contents of the First Information Report, many informants, usually guided by their counsels, have been registering FIRs by cleverly drafting and including settled-ingredients of the offences they want the accused to be charged with. Once this is done, the High Court may not be able to quash the FIR unless it goes beyond the drafting, and tries to consider the question of such cleverness exercised by the informant with regard to the surrounding circumstances in which the FIR came to be registered.

Can the High Court still quash the FIR in such a scenario? How can you defend your party if the FIR prima-facie reveals all ingredients? I have discussed about this by making reference to a landmark judgment of the Hon’ble Supreme Court in the following video. Do watch!

FIR/complaint filed for revenge. Ingredients of offence made out. Can it still be quashed? SC case.

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