Lawyers' Society


  • The Lawyers’ Society (“we”, “our”, “us”), offers a wide range of services to all individuals, including and in particular law students, lawyers, practicing advocates and judicial exam aspirants, and/or entities accessing and/or using our Lawyers’ Society website (“Platform”). This document lists out the relevant Terms and Conditions (“T&C”) to be adhered to by the users accessing and/or using the products and services provided through the Platform. This Platform is owned, managed and operated by Lawyers’ Society (“we”, “our”, “us”), an individual propreitorship, and the registered owner of the domain (“Website”), referred as “Services”. The terms “You” or “Your” in this T&C refer to the user and/or subscriber of our Platform.
  • The scope of this T&C governs the use of the Platform and/or the Services by users, third parties associated with this platform and/or visitors of this Platform (“End user”). You agree and acknowledge that the access and/or use of the Platform and/or subscription to the Services is under a limited, non-transferable, non-assignable, non-licensable, royalty-free, non-exclusive, personal licence basis to use the Services granted by us only for personal and non-commercial purposes mentioned in the T&C herein.
  • The terms and conditions set out herein constitutes a binding legal agreement between you and us in relation to use of our Website, as well as the services provided through the Platform (as defined below). By using and/ or availing any of the services through the Platform, you unconditionally consent to the T&C as set out herein. If you disagree with any part of the Terms and Conditions, then you may discontinue access or use of the Platform. You will be responsible for regularly reviewing the Terms of Use posted to the Sites.
  • By using this Platform, you warrant that you are 18 years of age or above and are competent to enter into an agreement as per the provisions of Indian Contract Act, 1872. You submit that you have the right, authority, and capacity to use the Platform and the Services in your individual capacity, or on behalf of your children or is authorised to represent your company/ entity on its behalf. By accessing, using and/or availing the services offered by the Platform, downloading, installing, or subscribing to the Platform, you are deemed to have read and understood the contents and has accepted the terms and given your consent to the T&C set out herein and agree to abide by them. It is of essence that you read and clearly understand the T&C of this Platform and its implications before using or availing the services provided by us. If you do not agree with any of the terms set out by this Platform and do not consent to be bound by the same, please refrain from using and/or availing the services offered or subscribing to the Platform. This Agreement supersedes all previous oral and written terms and conditions (if any) communicated to you relating to your use of the Platform to avail the Services. By availing any Service, you signify your acceptance of the terms of this Agreement.
  • The T&C set out herein can be updated, modified, or changed at the sole discretion of the Company with or without due intimation to the users. The latest updated version of the T&C would always be made available at the Platform. You are requested to read the T&C at regular intervals to keep up to date with the changes, revisions, modifications or termination of any portions, if any. Your continued use of the services offered at the Platform would be considered as your consent to the acceptance of the changes, revisions or modifications to the T&C. The Platform uses cookies to improve functionality and performance and if you continue browsing, accessing and/or using the Platform you are giving implied consent to the use of cookies.

Through the Lawyers’ Society, we primarily provide the following services to the users:

a. Monthly Digital Law Magazine discussing legal issues, provisions, judgments;
b. Any other service that is made available on the Platform from time to time.


This Platform and the Services are designed to assist you with easy access to legal information, i.e., make legal knowledge available seamlessly through virtual mode.


Lawyers’ Society reserves the right, at any time, to charge fees for accessing whole or part of the Sites. If, at any time, you are required to pay fee for accessing any part of the Sites, you will be intimated about the same and you will be allowed to access such part of the Site only upon payment of a fee (“Subscription Fee”) for a particular period specified at the time of subscription (“Subscription Period”). The Subscription Fee is non-refundable and during the Subscription Period, you are not required to pay any other charge towards subscription, unless there is a change in applicable tax.

Subscription Fee can be paid in any of the modes listed on the Sites from time to time. Your payment of Subscription Fee does not guarantee your subscription. Lawyers’ Society reserves the right to reject your request for subscription with out assigning any reason. Under such circumstances, the Subscription Fee will be repaid without any interest.

Lawyers’ Society reserves the right to revise the Subscription Fee from time to time. Lawyers’ Society, at its sole discretion, may allow you to renew the subscription after the expiry of the Subscription Period, upon payment of Subscription Fee prevalent at the time of renewal.

Due Diligence

a .You are required to provide accurate and complete information required by the Platform, based on which the services would be provided;
b .You are solely responsible for all the personal information provided even though we take all reasonable measures to ensure confidentiality of the information provided;
c.You are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account’s access information and password, if you are registered and/or subscribed on the Platform.
d.In case you do not wish to disclose any information which is mandatory, we reserve the right to not provide the corresponding services;
e.In the event of wanting to update, correct, rectify or delete inaccuracies, or amend the information provided by you, you can contact us at
f.We reserve the right to refuse service or terminate accounts at our discretion, if we believe that you have violated or are likely to violate applicable law or these Terms and Conditions.

User restrictions

1. You may use the services provided by the Platform only in accordance with the T&C set out herein and as in accordance with the Privacy Policy.
2. You may not translate, modify, reverse-engineer, disassemble, decompile or otherwise exploit the Platform or any portion of it unless expressly permitted in writing;
3. Make false or malicious statements against the services offered or the Lawyers’ Society;
4. You may not assign, transfer, or sub-contract any of your rights or obligations under these Terms or any related order for Products to any third party;
5. You may not use the Platform or any information provided on it for any commercial purposes;
6. You may not impersonate identity of any other person or use the Platform if not competent as per the provisions of the applicable laws;
7. You may not resell the products purchased under this Platform;
8. You will use the Platform for a lawful purpose only and will not undertake any activity that is harmful to us or otherwise not envisaged through the Platform.
9. You agree to not engage in any unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, or otherwise objectionable conduct while using the Platform and/or the Services.
10. You agree and consent to having limited license to access and use the Platform, solely for the purpose of availing the services, subject to these Terms and Conditions.
11. You agree to use the Platform and/or the Services only for its intended purpose and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations in force from time to time.

All details regarding how we collect, use, share, disclose and protect information about the users of the services including the Subscribers, the End users, and the Visitors of the Platform are listed out elaborately at the Privacy Policy available here. You consent to our practises of collecting, using, storing, sharing, disclosing and transferring of your personal information as per in accordance with the Privacy Policy by you use and/or availing services of our Platform. While all reasonable care and caution is taken to protect your privacy and information, you understand and agree that we are not liable for security breaches that occur beyond its control even after taking reasonable care and caution in protection of all such information.

You recognise and agree that all the intellectual property including but not limited to all copyrights, registered trademarks and other intellectual properties including text, graphics, logos, images, product names, trade names, service lines, tag lines, and software contained in the Platform are the exclusive property of Lawyers’ Society and are protected well within as per the laws of India. You are permitted to use this material and/or content only as expressly authorized by us. You are strictly prohibited from using any of the intellectual property of the Lawyers’ Society without express authorisation from us.

You are by no means granted any rights or proprietary intertest impliedly or expressly by the Lawyers’ Society in respect of such intellectual property. You further acknowledge that any other use of the material and content of the Platform is strictly prohibited and you agree not to (and agree not to assist or facilitate any third party to) copy, reproduce, transmit, publish, display, distribute, commercially exploit or create derivative works of such material and content. You shall not be permitted to sub-license or transfer any of the intellectual property or data in Platform and the Services except subject to the conditions of authorisation provided to you. You shall neither reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or otherwise attempt to derive the source code or structure of the Platform and the Services, nor interfere, circumvent, or attempt to interfere or circumvent any measures in place to protect, regulate or enforce the intellectual property in relation to the Platform and the Services.

The Platform may provide for users to post comments, reviews, or questions or any such other information (“User Content”) on the Platform and you warrant that any such information so provided by you is original and does not infringe upon the intellect property rights of any others and also give us exclusive and unconditional rights to use such user content in furtherance of advertisement or improvement of the services provided through the Platform.  Lawyers’ Society could use views, comments, feed back, opinion, articles, images, video etc. submitted by you for its internal and external purpose including for marketing; you understand and acknowledge that this information is available to the public and grant Lawyers’ Society a non-exclusive license to display, reproduce, transmit, modify such content. You understand that you won’t have the right to approve how we use such contents submitted by you.


The Site and Contents are provided on “As is” and “As available” basis for information purpose. They do not constitute advice and should not be relied upon in making any decision. Lawyers’ Society does not represent or endorse the accuracy or reliability of any advice, opinion, statement, or other information displayed, uploaded, or distributed through the Site. You acknowledge that any reliance upon any such opinion, advice, statement, memorandum, or information shall be at your sole risk.

Certain parts of the Site may contain material submitted by users. Lawyers’ Society accepts no responsibility for the content, accuracy and conformity to applicable laws of such material.


We reserve the right to suspend or terminate your access to the Platform and/or the Services at any time without any notice for any reason, including violation of the T&C.


No provision of this Agreement shall be deemed to be waived and no breach excused, unless such waiver or consent shall be in writing and signed by us. Any consent by us to, or a waiver by us of any breach by you, whether expressed or implied, shall not constitute consent to, waiver of, or excuse for any other different or subsequent breach.


You acknowledge and agree that to the fullest extent permitted by law that Lawyers’ Society shall not be held liable for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or punitive damages, or any loss of profits or revenues, whether incurred directly or indirectly, or any loss of data, use, goodwill, or other intangible losses suffered owing to the use of the Platform and/or the Services or relating to the T&C, your ability or inability to use of this Platform and/ or its services. The Lawyers’ Society disclaims any and all liabilities arising out of inaccuracies or disputes arising out of information provided by you while accessing and/or using the Platform and/or subscribing to the Services.


You acknowledge and agree that the information or the services provided through the Platform may not be error free and there may be delay, omissions, interruption, and/or inaccuracies in materials or Service available, and the Lawyers’ Society will not be liable for the same.


You acknowledge and agree that even though we shall take all reasonable care and caution to prevent the introduction of viruses, worms or other malicious code into the Platform and its services, we shall not be held liable for any damage caused due to introduction of such destructive features beyond its control.


The T&C and your use of the Platform and/or the Services are governed by the laws of by the laws of India. More details regarding the applicable laws are provided in the Privacy Policy.


Any dispute, claim or controversy arising out of or relating to this Agreement, including the determination of the scope or applicability of this Agreement to arbitrate, or your use of the Platform or the Services or information to which it gives access, shall be determined by arbitration in India before a sole arbitrator appointed by us. Arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996. The seat of such arbitration shall be Chennai. All proceedings of such arbitration, including, without limitation, any awards, shall be in the English language. The award shall be final and binding on the parties to the dispute.


Subject to the provisions of arbitration and conciliation, the courts at Chennai shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any disputes arising out of or in relation to this Agreement, your use of the Platform or the Services or the information to which it gives access or the Platform.


If you have any questions, concerns, complaints or grievances with respect to Platform and/or the Services or this T&C, you may contact us at


  • This Privacy Policy explains our policy regarding collection, use, disclosure and transfer of your information by Laywers’ Society, which operates online facilities including, without limitation,, social media sites and any other digital services or facilities operated or used by Lawyers’ Society from time to time (collectively the “Sites”). This Privacy Policy forms part and parcel of the Terms of Use for the Sites.

  • By accessing the Site, you consent to collection, storage, and use of the personal information you provide (including any changes thereto as provided by you) for any of the services that we offer. Lawyers’ Society may change the Privacy Policy from time to time and changes will be posted on this Site. By continuing to access and use this Site after any such changes are posted, you will be deemed to have accepted such changes.


i) It is possible for you to visit the Site without giving any personal information. However, when you register on the Site, we collect your information such as your name, sex, age, address, contact, email account, etc. We also retrieve your information from your email account, social networking platform etc when you register through these accounts. We may also collect information, when you provide feedback and user materials or participate in surveys, etc.

ii) We may use “cookies”, or similar electronic tools to collect information to understand the user’s individual interests and preferences. Most browsers permit you to control cookies, including whether or not to accept them and how to remove them.

iii) We also collect limited information about your computer’s connection to the internet, including your IP address, when you visit the Site.


Any of the information we collect from you may be used in one of the following ways:

i. We may your information to personalize your experience and to help us to respond to your individual requirements in a better manner.
ii. We continually strive to improve our Site offerings based on the information and feedback we receive from you. We use your information for improving the Site.
iii. Your information helps us to effectively respond to your service requests, and support needs, and connect  with you as required or to process your transaction.
iv. We will use email address to send you information and updates pertaining to the Site. If you decide to join our mailing list, you will receive emails that may include news, updates, related product or service information, etc. You may unsubscribe from receiving such mails.
v. When you send us electronic mail, we will keep a record of this information so that we can respond to you. We only collect information from you when you visit on our site or fill out a form. Also, when filling out a form on our site, you may be asked to enter your: name, e-mail address or phone number. In case you have submitted your personal information and contact details, we reserve the rights to Call, SMS, Email or WhatsApp about our products and offers, even if your number has DND activated on it and you agree for the same.


Lawyers’ Society may share your information with any third party in the following circumstances

a) When it is requested or required by law or by any court, tribunal or governmental agency.
b) We may share such information with officers, employees, affiliates and service providers for the purpose of processing personal information on our behalf. We will take appropriate assurance from such parties to comply with this Privacy Policy and follow appropriate confidentiality and security measures.
c) Wemay present information, usually in the form of aggregate statistics on traffic to various pages in the Site, to our advertisers to help them to understand our users.

The Site may include links to other websites or applications. Such third party websites are governed by their respective privacy policies, which are beyond our control. Once you leave our servers, use of any information you provide is governed by the privacy policy of the operator of the application, you are visiting. We do not provide any personally identifiable information to third party websites / advertisers / ad-servers without your consent. 

Our payment gateway may collect your billing information and baking/debit/credit card details if you chose to subscribe on our Site. The subscriptions may be on auto renewal mode unless cancelled. If at any point you do not wish to auto-renew your subscription, you may cancel your subscription before the end of the subscription term.


Lawyers’ Society respects your privacy and use reasonable efforts to protect the same. We have adequate safeguards and infrastructure to comply with the laws in India to protect your personal information. We will comply with Information Technology Act, 2000 and all other applicable data protection laws in India to protect your privacy


Any complaints or concerns with regards to the processing of information provided by you or breach of these terms shall be immediately informed to us through the e-mail address:

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